Running a business is a busy, time consuming and costly operation. Though hugely important, additional safety is often placed at a lower priority to profits by those running the business by virtue of doing business. This is not to say this is intentional, it's more that CEO's have to prioritise profit margin over 'additional' safety measures. Costly additions to further hamper operations and growth is not logical. However, the case of automation is a reduction in expenses and enhancement of workplace safety.
So what does automation enable in your organisation?
Allows You To Focus On Running The Business - Completing paperwork for WHS documentation and following physical procedures consumes resources and is inefficient, where aspects of the WHS policy can be automated, this reduces your organisations expenses.
Encourages Greater Productivity - Without the concern of extra safety tasks to carry out within workers roles, they are able to focus on their main purpose within the organisation with the knowledge of having a robust system in place to keep them safe and assist them immediately should an incident occur.
Reduces The Risk Of Human Error - We know this, and all workplaces should not make themselves immune from it from relying on staff not making mistakes. Any reduction in human input into jobs results in a reduction in workplace errors.
Saves precious Time and Money - Automation of tasks that would be performed by workers results in reducing expense. There is not one business in the world which disagrees. Automating safety compliance processes will without doubt, create savings in finances and time, allowing your organisation to reinvest these into operational capacities for your growth.
Creates A Safety Culture - Organisational culture is all about how we do things around here. What safety is considered centrally to things getting done, a safety culture is present.
Easy Access to Reliable Records - Cloud based records, forms, procedures and responsibilities allows for reliable storage, quick and hassle free access to the information. No more lost documentation.
Reducing Waste - This is a big sticker for businesses especially ones with large administrative practices. Dealing with hard copies not only means use of paper, but potential for it's loss, which results in more usage.
More Accountability - Automated roles, tasks and a trail of responsibility keeps staff in line and allows for problems to be identified easily if an accident or error has occurred.
A Safer more Productive Work Environment! When your workforce has less errors, more engagement in safety processes, which become more efficient, information is recorded and stored with easy access and with more streamlined communication for staff who are more aware of their accountabilities your workplace will be far safer and more productive.
Organisations which employ work towards automation in workplace WHS will be rewarded with increased safety and in operational efficiency.